UNITY - Puppet 3D Version 1.3

UNITY - Puppet 3D
Puppet3D may be a skilled rigging toolset for Unity.


- AUTORIG - Rig it in a very minute! Makes rigging a biped very quick.

- produce bones and skin them to any character or plus.

- IK & FK - build IK controls for the limbs, which may mix between IK and FK.

Create a "Mod-Rig" on a automaton in one click, to switch or build new animations.

- Advanced Rigging - Spline Controls for tails and bendy things, Parent, Orient, IK and international controls.

- Paint the Skin Weights.

- Voxel primarily based default skin weights. Spreads the weights through the characters volume.

- cause Saving & Loading

- Bake management Animations Onto Bones

More Info : http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/puppet3d-111554

Here : UNITY - Puppet 3D Version 1.3 | MEGA

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