Third Person Cover Controller Ver. 1.4

Third Person Cover Controller Ver. 1.4
⚡You want your character to walk, run, jump, fight, sneak, take cowl and do all those things with or while not weapons? we tend to got you coated.
⚡A good controller is super important for your game, however enemies square measure equally necessary, that why we tend to created Advance AI that fights and acts plausibly for your game!

⚡Inspired by combat in games like Mass effect, Division, Ghost Recon on-line, we tend to created Associate in Nursing quality to assist unity developers to create those styles of combat systems full with thinkable enemies while not disbursement months prototyping gameplay in C# and thousands of bucks for animations.

⚡Try Windows version

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⚡More info: Website

⚡Patch 1.5 Controller make over, Abilities, AI teams.
Enjoy new a lot of powerful and polished controller
AI will follow a player and use talents to heal or shield
Up to twenty times performance enhancements for AI
Newly updated animations
Camera enhancements
IK enhancements around covers
Smooth transition into covers
⚡Patch 1.4 good AI simply got loads smarter.
AI will decision duplicate or police
AI is fighter or civilian
Smart AI spawn system
Sniper rifle or shooting iron with zoom
Climb tall covers
Night scene with AI Investigation mode
Low visibility "grass" zone to cover in
And many a lot of enhancements
⚡Patch 1.3.1
-Implemented fire interference
-Many AI behavior and deciding fixes and enhancements
-Implemented AI debugging and image
-Changed however peeking over corners works
-Changed however aiming back from tall cowl works
⚡Patch 1.3
-Added Grenades
-Added Associate in Nursing Alerts system wherever numerous sounds Associate in Nursingd events give notice AI of an enemy presence.
-AI will attack non-character objects (for example, security cameras).
-Added character rolling.
-Added AI patrols.
-Added AI investigations.
-AI will chuck the enemy.
-Hitboxes. Characters take completely different injury counting on wherever they're hit.
-Added idle state once characters aren't aiming whereas standing still.
-Camera collisions, obstacle dodging.
-Arms will aim severally from bodies.
-Added character sprinting.
-Character sleep system. parts square measure turned off for characters that square measure distant.
Beginnings of AI cluster behavior. the quantity of aggressive AI assaultive at a similar time is restricted.
-Better AI communication. data concerning the enemy and investigation is passed between the AI.
-Beginnings of Associate in Nursing obstacle weakening system.
⚡Patch 1.2
- New mobile controls for top-down version of the sport
- Animations tweaked to appear higher on mobile from high camera.
- additional AI field of read.
⚡Future updates:
Will add a lot of animations, more guns, things management, enemy factions, multiplayer, menu system. Player talents etc..

More Info :
 Here : Third Person Cover Controller Ver. 1.4 | Rapidgator

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