UNITY - Simple Obj Ver 1.4

UNITY - Simple Obj Ver 1.4

Let users spawn their own 3d models in your game

With SimpleOBJ you'll be able to flip surface .OBJ files into operating 3D models in your game at runtime.

- import surface .OBJ models
- import massive meshes with over 64K vertices
- imports submeshes
- imports materials
- will run in background thread

SimpleOBJ is a simple thanks to import OBJ models. It imports vertices, normals, ultraviolet illumination map and triangles. (polygons ar mechanically reborn to triangles). It conjointly supports multiple meshes and sub meshes. If you give a .MTL material file this may be foreign moreover.

When the mesh is larger than Unity's limit of 64K vertices, it still gets foreign and is mechanically split into two or additional elements.

Simply transfer AN OBJ file into a string;
pass the string to the import function;
and receive a GameObject reciprocally.

More Info : https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/input-management/simple-obj-22195

Here : UNITY - Simple Obj Ver 1.4 | MEGA

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